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Old 08-14-2010, 08:48 AM   #1
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How can I tell if my brake booster is bad?

On my 71 it feels like the manual brakes did in my 67. I really have to get after it sometimes to stop the truck. Someday I want to put 35's on it and I know I need to get the brakes sorted out first. Now that I think about it the wife helped me tow the 71 home the other night (distributor died) and I had both feet on the brake pedal pushing damn near as hard as I could and the wheels wouldn't lock up on a gravel road. Plus they (the brakes) didn't feel any different from when it is running.
07 Chevy classic LBZ Duramax (a few mods)
'67 Chevy 1/2 ton 2wd (in pieces)
'69 Chevy 1/2 ton 2wd (on hold)
'71 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4
‘71 GMC 1/2 ton 2wd suburban

Last edited by 67chevy2wd; 08-14-2010 at 08:49 AM.
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