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Old 08-18-2010, 08:03 PM   #16
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Location: Cottonwood,NM
Posts: 44
Re: tool for adjusting quadrajets

Hey Guys,,, well, I finally got around to plugging the vacuum leaks on my engine,,, had a good one on a round black plastic thingie that I think was for the A/C. Plugged that one and now the engine holds 15" of steady vacuum. I verified the timing to 8* BTDC, and tried to adjust the air mixture screws with my new gizmo from Autozone. I say tried, cause it did not make any difference in idle from all the way in to all the way out. I tried setting both of them to 2 full turns out and let it idle a little then adjusted all the way IN to closed, motor stumbled, so I went to almost all the way out before it made a difference in idle. another turn and the screw fell out, then the engine ran rough.
Actually, the engine now idles worse than before although it does seem to have a little more pep. Both screwa are at 3 turns "OUT" This engine has the timing tag behind the water pump and you have to be right on top of engine with the timing light. Not like others that have the tag on side.
What the hay have I done???
better yet,,,what do I do now ??
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