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Old 08-20-2010, 06:20 PM   #11
Wrenchbender Ret
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Re: New 4 speed - clutch slipping

I wanted you to look up in side before you pulled it to see if the bearing was backed up against the bell housing.
There are 2 kinds of diaphragm type clutches used. The older model has the fingers parallel with the disc & flywheel. It uses the long TO brg. The later model often used as a replacement has the fingers extended rearward & are about even with the outer surface of the pressure plate, commonly called a beehive clutch. It uses the short brg. There is hardly any way you could have gotten it in wrong. The brg. slides on the trns brg. retainer. The fork goes in the grooves. Some brgs have a lump or pin to keep it from turning.
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