Re: New 4 speed - clutch slipping
Well i think have it figured out (thanks for the suggestions!)
I put it all back together again with the long bearing and then did just what you suggested. From underneath I checked the play between the bearing and the pressure plate (its the type that has the fingers angled towards the rear).
Once you tighten the transmission down, the retainer bearing presses the throwout bearing against the pressure plate. The book (factory manual) mentions that you need 1/16th to 1/8th play between the plate and the bearing.
In my case I have none and it would seem that the bearing is being pressed hard enough to engage the clutch (hence the slipping).
So, now my question is, what can i do?
Option 1 - This is a new transmission (M20), i guess the retainer bearing is just a little thicker than the 3speed i had. - Can I change the retainer bearing to a thinner one?
Option 2 - I already tried using the short type bearing, its too short (at least with the current fork and fork ball that I have) - Can I get a different clutch fork, fork ball and shorter type bearing?
Option 3 - Is there some sort of adapter or spacer plate to move the transmission back a little?
Option 4? - ???