Originally posted by Moody Blue
Yeah know your truck and was just looking at it again, You think I can get a sweet paint job done with flames for around $1000???
Probably not. Your first concern should be how much body work do you need. Don't spend a dime on paint until you know the body is straight. Remember, if the body looks like a bag of marbles and you paint it, it will look like a "painted" bag of marbles.
I know someone will say they got one cheaper, but these days with the cost of materials being so expensive, 3000.00 is closer to a realistic price for good quality paint and body.
If you need lots of bodywork, and you want a show quality paint job, expect to spend 4000.00. If you want a pro to lay out a set of flames, airbrush some highlites, and pinstripe the edges before the clear is laid down you are probably in the 5000.00 range.
These are ballpark figures, but I can assure you if you want a really good paint job, using premium brand paint I won't be too far off. Keep in mind, that materials alone for a complete paint job could be close to 1000.00, especially if you want red.
I'll bet that our good buddy Dave might even say that I am a little short on those numbers.
Now with all that said, I'm sure you can get an "average" paint job for less. Just be prepared to settle for "average" results...