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Old 08-22-2010, 11:56 PM   #18
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Warsaw, IN
Posts: 93
Re: Tag/Title my 87 $468!!

Indiana isn't too bad. I bought mine in Illinois and all I had to do was show the DMV gal the VIN, to confirm ??? We have to do that with any out of state vehicles. I bought my Roadking in MI, and I had to show all three VINS on that. Plates/registration wasn't bad, something like $23 for my 86 C10, so I added $50 for a D.A.R.E. plate. Figured it supports a good cause and might get me out of a ticket one day. I remember shelling out around $100 total, including title transfer, sales tax, and plates good for something like 16 months.
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