Re: Need help 2 questions
dose it grind in gear? what trannie do you have?
well you can remove the factory hot air pipe (thats what i call it) it just brings hot air from the manifolds to you air cleaner so it dont stumble when its cold. how cold dose it get in your neck of the woods? here in nc when it gets cold my choke will hardly cut off on my 77 without it. i had an edelbrock pro-flow on my 77 but i ditched that for my stock air cleaner with the lid turned upside down with a correct size K&N air filter and this a good workin set up couse on the cold mornings i can put that pipe back and turn the lid over and it dosent stumble as bad which makes me look better when i dont choke it off first thing pulling over the speed bump at skool. lol
masterlock is there eny chance we can here more about the truck?
77 chevy BIG 10 350/sm465/12bolt w 3.73 bout 240 horse power NO power steerin
79 chevy 1/2 ton 250/three on the tree/3.08s soon to get built 250/floor shift conversion/3.08s
81 mercedes 300d 25 MPG
77 chevy BIG DOOLEY 454/sm-465/14 bolt 4.10s "fully loaded"
73 plymouth duster 225 slant six/230 3 speed/8 1/4 trying to acheve 300 horse six
'77 chevy trucks. built to stay tough.
life is short build a hot rod