Re: Question about 1972 Cheyenne Super
No records to prove or disprove that. Gm records were lost in a fire for US, think info for Canada is available. All you will see are general production numbers-example- xxx # of short v8 fleets, xxx # of short v8 steps, xxx # of long fleet etc. No specific # for option packages sold. Just rember you are dealing with several hundred thousand units produced in the short run of these trucks so lots are out there, however most are long trucks, not short it seems. Another example, in 72 only around 6900 short fleet v8 4x4 were produced, so figure that only a few were cheyenne or super option trucks. Other years of short fleet 4x4s were even lower in numbers produced.
67 blue step side- bb
68 gold and white swb cst anniversary
68 custom swb hot rod Ls swap
69 swb cst 6 cylinder/ overdrive
69 black/black cst bb swb
70 orange and white cst Canada built truck swb bb
71 black and white super swb bb
71 red and white super swb
72 green and white super swb 4x4
62 nova wagon 400 series Ls swapped
68 Camaro 327/4 speed- 1 owner, original paint
66 Volkswagen bettle
69 auto stick Volkswagen Beetle
Last edited by 71 super; 08-24-2010 at 06:54 PM.