Originally Posted by screamin_c10
Spent the last 3 years here....Haven't seen a sparkly metro vampire here yet....could have saved ya a trip 
i seen a nice lowered black primered 68ish suburban that had a for sale sign when i was there by the water front. they had the street closest to the water blocked off for some farmers market thing. yeah not my cup of tea, but the wife is totally into the metro vampire thing... then we find out they filmed halloween town there too. yet another of my wife's fav movies.
should have seen when i was driving out of forks.... didn't wanna get caught on a 2 lane highway after dark so i was practically drifting the rental van on the 10 miles of corners. overtaking cars and stuff. don't like driving in the woods around dusk... don't know what might pop out in front of you. Sasquatch, deer, moose, raccoon. etc..... i was leaving port angels just as the sun was almost gone. got back to the ferry when it was dark.