Re: Camper size?
What brand/model of camper do you have?
With this info I can start combing Craigslist for a vintage camper. Combined with the new-in-the-box 1972 8-track player that I just bought ... my vehicle for the perfect family road trip will nearly be completed. Clarke Griswold will have nothing on me!
Clark Griswald: Roy; can I call you Roy? Have you even driven cross-country?
Roy Walley: Oh, hell yes. Drove the whole family to Florida. Worst 2 weeks I ever spent in my life. The smell from the back seat was terrible.
Clark Griswald: Ooooh. Ooooh, I know that smell. Roy, could you imagine if you had driven all the way to Florida and it was closed?
Roy Walley: Closed? Uh, they don't close Florida.