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Old 08-28-2010, 06:20 PM   #3
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Re: Marker/Park Light Issue

Hey thanks man, um its a 1985 C10 2wd 350/350, its silverado so 4 eyes. Yeah as far as the power goes (blue wire) its good, like it has power. The socket is good, because if you take the brown wire from the side marker and ground it, with the lights on, it turns on. So the problem is at the other end of the brown wire like up by the fire wall. And I dunno if it matters but the drivers side one has like 11.5V and the passenger has .2V like its has a bad ground.

Do you/anyone know where the brown wire goes to, it should be a relay I imagine. I mean like litterally on the truck, ex: under the dash right next to the chewboculator valve

Thanks again,
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