Thread: Emissions test
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Old 06-05-2003, 02:59 PM   #18
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Location: Garland, Texas
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In Texas, the law is if your vehicle is 25 years or older you only have to have safety inspection. This is what i have always heard. Check with your laws for Houston. I think an inspection station is tryin to make a quick buck. Our 89 Isuzu Pickup failed 3 times....for stupid stuff. 1st time for a plug in the tire...they couldn't put it on the dyno. 2nd time they wouldn't put it on the dyno because the tail light lense had a crack in it. 3rd time it actually failed on the dyno. Took it to our mechanic and he couldn't figure out why it failed. So he gave us a sticker. But check the laws because i know in North Texas you only have to have inspection. It'd be worth a search or to on the internet or a phone call.
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