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Old 08-31-2010, 07:16 AM   #5
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Re: Gas tank question

Personally I would buy a new gas tank! Actually that is what I am doing right now. I bought my suburban and got it running after it sat for 8 years. I cleaned the old gas tank out but over the last year and a half I am still clogging filters and getting junk in my carb. After breaking down two weeks ago due to more sediment coming out of the tank I finally decided it was time to get a new tank. I figured what I am going to spend on a new tank is about what a tow would cost the next time I break down. Personally I would rather put the $150 into my burb than give it to a wrecker driver.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry
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