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Old 08-31-2010, 11:34 PM   #15
C-10 simplex
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Re: Spare Tire Carrier

i've been thinking about this myself for a while, but probably won't be able to get to it for a while. But in the meantime:

i can't fit a "regular" (235/75 15) tire underneath there either due to trailer hitch and dual exhaust intereference issues.

However, i feel that since a spare is just temporary-----you only need it for as long as it takes to repair or replace the flat, then a smaller tire could be and should be used. Even a temporary "donut" type.

i think some astro vans, which have the same 5X5 bolt pattern, had a temporary type spare.

Then with 2 metal "straps"/crossmembers bolted to either the frame or trailer hitch, this would form a cradle for the tire to rest in. Then maybe use a chain to secure it in there.

The temp spare would(hopefully) be light enough so that getting it in and out would be no problem.
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