I still have some left over parts and pieces, mostly from an 87 but there are a few other things
This is a repop for under the bed 10.00 +
These are off an 87 5.0 TBI 50.00+
This is a repair for any 73-87 bed 15.00 +
I also have ,
1 left repop cab corner 10.00+
set of cab corner speakers 10.00+
Gas cap door for an 88 10.00+
Heater control switch for 88 15.00+

Handle every Stressful situation like a dog.
If you can't eat it or play with it,
Pee on it and walk away.
1996 Dodge Intreped ES Nice car great on gas
1993 Jeep Cherokee.
Looking for a swb chevy 73-87