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Old 09-02-2010, 10:24 AM   #975
Catchy title goes here..
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Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

2 things real quick..

1. we are not above the law, nor do we attempt to be. When deals are done on the site, we have the right to request information. If the "seller" is legit, telling us the status of a deal and the username of whom is owed things should not be an issue. No one is asking for ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION. Tracking numbers to relay to folks, usernames and status of shipments is NOT personal info, nor illegal for us to ask for. If he chooses not to give it, it only makes him look bad IMHO.

IX. Fraudulent practices or attempts to defraud another will lead to account suspension and banning. This is in direct reference to items offered for sale, trade, or leading someone on as a buyer.
I will turn you in! This also applies to people posting fabricated lies about another user or business. If you have a real issue, discuss it off the site, but don't make up lies because you're upset with someone. will not put up with this kind of slander
2. Taking money for items and not delivering them is fraud. Plain and simple. No matter how good intentions are etc, it is fraud. If he is so willing to make good, and insure everyone is taken care of.. Then why ignore admin PM, replying to this thread, user contact etc. Any business whom had a mixup or issue in the past has gladly given a username and status of the deal. That is not illegal to ask for.
However it is illegal to take folks money for items and not deliver.

Back to the rest. I do apologize if we (not just I , but several staff members whom have read your replies) have taken them as we did, if that is not how they were intended. At this point, no offense at all intended, unless you have taken the payments and are shipping the items, it honestly does not involve you.

I fully understand that you feel bad because you began the deal etc.. But unless you are directly involved in the actual deal itself, it honestly does not involve you. I do however appreciate your input and help thus far.

Colin has been told how to reinstate his account. We do not allow bad deal users back to do this and that etc.. What he chooses to do from their is his choice. As far as telling folks to take up for themselves as you did. Yes, by all means they should. But with that, the deal was made on this site. Therefor we are involved. It is a privately owned website, and in the end it is our problem to tend to. If that means suspending accounts etc, thats what has to happen.

On a side note.. Colin owns and admins a website that runs vbulletin software, just as we do. He is aware of how the system works ( one would assume) and to say he has not read this thread (when timestamps show he was on this thread) or that an Admin PM was not received due to his inbox limit change (when admin PMs are forced through no matter limits) is hard to swallow. All the issues may have reasonable explanations, but when you have a bunch of inconsistencies in fact, and refusal to work with staff. It becomes hard to "trust" the person.
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