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Old 09-06-2010, 07:47 AM   #26
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Re: My trip to Goodguys FAIL.

Originally Posted by Wrenchbender Ret View Post
I'm only about 5 miles from it & I didn't make it this year. My wife got sick & i thought it was more important to take care of her as I love & need her.
Originally Posted by dhaymaker View Post
Well, LEEVON, as much as it stinks to be stuck on the side of the road, there could be worse things. (Except the non-stocked cooler would rank right up there!) But, you can always replace metal, parts, etc., and at least you didn't have an accident and do major damage to yourself or the truck.

Wrenchbender Ret has it right. I gotta' say, my wife can be a real pain in the...well, you know...but she takes good care of me and she sure comes before anything else. Super Chevy show in Denver was August 20th to the 22nd, missed it the last several years and several of us were planning on going. On August 10th the wife was in a fairly severe car accident! I spent the weekend tending to her instead of going to Denver.
You pansies! When are ya'll gonna man up and get your priorities straight, I mean really, like the wifey really means more to you than yo............Crap! She's coming! Gotta go guys!

I'm totally kidding guys. I would be upset to hear you left your wives at home in need of comfort just to go to a car show.

Last spring, though, my wife had a hysterectomy and left the hospital on the Friday afternoon of the Grand Rod Run weekend. I was willing to stay at home with her, but she still wanted to go with me to the rodrun. I told her we didn't have to go and she needed to be at home getting rest, but she went anyway. I think she would've went even if I didn't. My wife's TOUGH!

68 C10 stepside, LS1/700R4, TCI Engineering suspension system
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