Originally Posted by Chionos GMs
Sorry for the delay, but I just saw this. And, yes, it is the same truck when I bought it in 2007.
Originally Posted by benoit454
I think it looks good and all but IMO why go thru the time and trouble not to mention money and not put a shiney paint job on it, a real paint job with real clear that's gloss?
I just never understood it. I understand doing primer, and I understand it don't hold up, but when it comes to money, I think do it once.
I understand it's different and personal taste so I aint trying to knock you, it's a nice looking truck, just IMO better gloss black.
Chris, thanks for the input.. For what ever reason, I never got an email telling me you had commented. Either way, When I bought the truck, it was already primer black and I liked it. But, it didn't last long before it faded badly. So, I re-primered it wanting to keep the "Flat Black" look since I was converting it to a BBC truck. I held off having it shot with the Hot Rod Black based on a recommendation from my body man.. (shudda went ahead and done it right I agree now). 6 months later after his primer had faded, I decided to have him shoot it with the Eastwood Kit which I had purchased a year earlier. He decided to Clear Coat it and I'm glad he did. My '57 will have a "shiny" paint job though when it's done.