Originally Posted by spudz
whats with the attitude? I didnt say there were the only good maker, but if they wernt the best plug to put in it, gm wouldnt be using them. I am a firm believer in using OEM parts... Motorcraft for ford, delco for GM. my 2000 trans am made less hp with ngk plugs then the stock delcos. on the dyno. that damn good proof right there... there was someone else on the forum had same results with his lsx car. I will always spew dealer rhetoric......because I work at a chevy dealer.
GM contracts NGK to build alot of the spark plugs put in the 4.8,5.3,6.0.
AC P/N 25171803
NGK P/N 12567759
These are both OEM part numbers.
How much HP did you lose with the NGKs?