Thread: "The 72" build
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Old 09-07-2010, 10:58 PM   #1
Charles Hettich
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Location: Roscoe, SD
Posts: 208
"The 72" build

I finally decided to start my build thread on here. I bought this rust free 72 shortbed Chevy last December locally. It was originally from New Mexico so it has very little rust. Ive done some stuff so far, including slot mags and chrome bumpers. I hope to put a new engine in this winter. it has a 307 with a 3 on the tree right now. i drive it to school everyday. My current plans are to put in a new radiator (which i already have). it has a tiny 1 row radiator right now and it overheats. It also has manual steering and the grant wheel i put on is just a little to small so i bought a 67-68 wheel that im gonna put on soon.

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