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Old 09-08-2010, 09:33 AM   #10
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Re: Roll Bar and Floor Hump Cover

Originally Posted by Raul Duke View Post
stop! dont cut that roll bar. you can ship greyhound bus for cheap. i sent a yamaha banshee frame from alabama to vermont for 66 bucks. just a thought, save some time n paint
I appreciate your concern, really. I have used greyhound in the past also. In this case though, it's really not a big deal to cut it. It's not really a "roll bar" as in structurally. It's relatively thin wall tubing and made for looks. It will take 2 minutes to cut it and make it easier to box up. It will take about 15 minutes or less to weld it back up and rattle can spray it, which it already is. My closest greyhound terminal is almost an hour drive away, plus I have to haul it my truck round trip if it's in 1 piece. That alone is about $16 in gas and 2 hours of my time and shipping will not be cheaper due to it's dimensions.

If the buyer has a welder or access to one, this is really a no brainer.
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