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Old 09-08-2010, 10:19 PM   #5
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Re: 70 1/2 ton 4x4 front brake drums

I don't know why but they are not the same. This even has the brake shop ( 30years + exp.) stumped and looking all over the country.

I finally contacted my Dad today and he said he got them from the Chevy dealer. So I called the Chevy dealer, they have discontinued everything prior to 73. And don't have old part #'s

The brake shop got one in on the UPS truck this morning and he told me he would try it and call me when it was complete. No phone call, must not have fit.

I think I found one on LMC, I'll call them and talk to a tech before I order it.

This is a strange one guy's, I'll try to get pics in the morning.
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