Thread: Detroit locker
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Old 06-07-2003, 12:26 AM   #2
Never too many LONGHORNS!
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The factory "detroit locker" fits in the same carrier as the non-detroit lockers in the Eaton 3/4 HO52 or HO72 1 ton rear ends. The only thing you need to worry about these lockers is they tend to wear out the rear tires quicker. they can be a bit noisy @ times........"clicking" and "popping" sounds........are very common. Inside tire (while turning) will tend to "churp" during acceloration. This is because the locker wants to make both tires to rotate at same speed. Use a high quality gear oil for helps out with the noise and wear on these lockers. detroits are considered indistructable.
Good luck.......
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