I had this posted on another site that I just joined, but after finding this site I am moving here. WAY better here. LOL
Here is a pic of my 66 I got about a month ago.

Done a little bit to it since this pic. Been having fun and had lots of plans. Well yesterday I took her down town to go out to eat. Had about 5 cars of friends behind me, including wife and kids. "Had to take two cars for an event we were at". LOL. Anyway the truck has a fairly hot motor in it. As I turned onto the main strip of town I desided to show off and roast up the tires a bit. Did a pretty good one and my friends behind were impressed how good it runs. Anyway as I did that right by an outside hamburger place there were lots of people watching. Well anyway I had slowed down and was just at a cruise speed. Then for about 2 seconds it started to shake for a bit then it got crazy. My head hit the roof as the truck shot to the moon and then came a crashing down. Scared the living crap outa me. I got it on the side walk and everyone behind me and all the people at the burger joint came running over and said" WOW, the was the coolest thing I had ever seen". Well, glad I could entertain all you guys. LOL. Well the studs on the left ft wheel had broke and the tire roled under the truck. It was pretty bad. Waisted the tire, ft fender, bottom door jam and the door. Dont know how dad the ft end is yet. Kinda bummed now. Not really excited to be having more work to do after I just got this truck. But atleast no one got hurt.
This is the aftermath..... Still pretty bummed...