Originally Posted by spudz
I work at a chevy dealership, I fix these all the time.. I bet Its a worn lobe or lobes on the camshaft. Bad camshafts are common as hell. Worn cam lobes also show less compression on the effected cyl AND has a missfire at idle.. P0300 is a code for random missfire. Wish you were closer, I could fix it for less then there tear down money. ANY gm dealership should recongnize that this is whats wrong with your truck. pm me if you need anything if they tell you its anything other then new cam and lifters i bet they are guessing...
The Dealership called this morning and saidthey found the problem and "Opened A Claim" with the Warranty Company.
He said it was a "Bad Cam, Lifters and Pushrods.
The Warranty Company is sending out an inspector on Monday to check it out and the Service Manager will call me back with an update after that.
A question among the more knowledgable.
In a situation (such as mine), if it IS the Camshaft, Lifters and pushrods,
would it be acceptable to replace
and button the engine back together?
My Wifes Co-Workers (who are NOT Mechanically Knowledgable at all),
say a "New Engine" is in order.
Now I realize this is a Warranty Claim and,
(in my perspective) they rolled the Dice and LOST on this one,
are going to want to get off as cheaply as possible.
Also, any work done by the Dealership should be covered for an ADDITIONA 12 Months/12K Miles from the date of THIER work, whether the "Original warranty" has expired.....correct?