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Old 09-10-2010, 09:08 PM   #13
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Re: Cpde question???

Originally Posted by spudz View Post
I know....I'm bad ass.... but anyways...
all work and GM parts are covered for 12 months 12 thousand. And yes, I would feel comfortable just sticking new cam and lifters in. That motor has alot of life left in it. the cyl heads have to be removed JUST to get the lifters out so if the motor has cyl wall damage they will see it then. But I am sure its fine. you should get 300k out of that motor.It will outlast the rest of your vehicle. I deal with customers all the time that try to demand a new engine because of a failure with theres.. You cant just stick a new engine in.. The warantee WILL NOT COVER the costs. You can only fix the damage unless the damage is more then the cost of a replacement engine.
So SPUDZ,tell me this....
I posted this same question over at the "Chevy Talk Forum".
Out of ALL the people that helped me over there,
the 1st guy to respond, didn't even answer the question.
He just started bagging on me because I didn't purchase the .....
Ultra Special Award Winning Uber-Stardom "GM Warranty".
Being that I bought this Truck from a small dealer, they did not offer the
"GM Warranty".
After 5 initial posts, he really hasn't answered my question and keeps up on the Soap Box about it.

This guy has posted about 6 times, that I would not be having this Conversation/Post/Problem, if I had purchased the "GM Warranty".

Are you familiar with it and why is he pushing so hard about it?
Hello members...
I'd like you to know that I sold,
my 72 GMC (Ratikle),
back in November of 2011.
I don't visit the site much anymore,
but please feel free,
to drop me a private message.
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