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Old 09-11-2010, 03:26 PM   #13
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Re: In the market for an air compressor

Thanks for all of your input guys!

I went to TSC to look at them in person, and was hoping to ask a salesperon some questions about the 60g 5hp and 80g 5hp IR's but nobody was around. From what I can tell they're a lot of the same just one holds 20 gallons more. Output seems the same as well. My thinking is if I spend $200 less and get the 60g that gives me more money to buy tools,sockets and lines. If I spend the extra $200 for the 80g that would put off buying those mentioned for a few weeks (wife would kill me).

Just me never even using an air compressor I don't even know what route to go. I've been told you can paint a whole car with an 30g air compressor and I've been told you need an 80gallon one to do it right. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated. I do also have 220v at the garage.
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