Thread: Detroit locker
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Old 06-07-2003, 11:15 AM   #4
Well, Whoop-dee-do!
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You really have to try HARD to hurt one. My 72 k-20 has a original equip. locker also. 38" TSLs being twisted by a 500 cad. I have pulled it in truck pulls with smaller rubber for years without damage. I have always referred to the pulling sled as the "redneck dyno." It is going to tell you if you REALLY do have power & what is weak in your truck in a hurry.

If something breaks, there are only 3 possible reasons why:

A- it was installed or set up wrong

B- it was not strong enough

c- it was wore out & needed replaced anyway

You could add a "D"- you done something stupid, but that would still fall under A, B, or C.

I see these rear ends being blown in assorted pieces all the time but usually in 2wd pullers with at least 600HP. it usually happens on a "bite'n" track in the 6500lb. class with the front wheels off the ground.
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