I have a '86 Monte Carlo 305 that I picked up cheap and I am about to start up for test run, and it has a computer controlled Quadrajet. Couple of questions.
1. Am I gonna be able to start this engine sitting on a run stand with that carb or am I gonna need to go ahead and put a non-computer controlled carb on it first?
2. Generally speaking, what kind of stuff am I gonna need to replace to dump all the computer controlled stuff. Please save me the soap box for the wonders of computers and indulge me.
I am not an expert in the computer stuff so don't go askin me this that and the other, that's why I don't want to mess with it. It is an '86 so if you don't know, let the next guy answer

Now that I said that feel free to run amok anyway haha
Thanks to anyone who can help