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Old 09-14-2010, 07:18 PM   #13
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Re: Steering question on a 68 K-10.....

....OK....I removed the blocks and the steering is WAY BETTER !! No longer twitchy or so fast in reaction to steering input. The stabilizer is at a normal position now.

The power assist is still very good and the wheel does try to come back to center when you release the wheel during a turn....not as good as most set ups or a manual box, but I can live with it.

I do need to check the adjustment on the left to right play as there is quite a bit, but I know the more you cinch down on the adjustment the less "free" the wheel will be when returning to center. Looking into that.

Thanks for all the did freak me out with the "Wheres your Crossmember" comment !! I asssumed that was how all straight axle vehicles where made, dont' know nuthin about these early Chevys!! I'll learn !! Steve
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