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Old 09-14-2010, 09:21 PM   #15
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Re: What are show quality trucks REALLY worth?

Originally Posted by 71 super View Post
To build a quality "correct" original type restoration, you are going to have to locate alot of NOS parts- stuff that is getting much harder to find, and we all know harder to find means higher cost or finding an acceptable substitute. I restored my 71 super 8 years ago and the truck is approx. 95% NOS parts. I was able to do it then because I worked at a dealership that allowed me to exchange my pay check for NOS parts at a discount With that said, I am currently restoring 72 and it has cost more and has fewer NOS parts than I would have liked, but could not do it due to economy and availability. If you want to build your truck I say go for it, but do not expect to get rich because you will either pay someone to do the work or do it yourself. If it is your first time you will cut corners (reuse old wiring harnesses or buy new- simple choice for me, too much invested not to buy new- but lots of people dont replace yet say they are complete restorations) or spend more having to redo something. Also plan to live with someone elses schedule, paint took a little over 3 years at the shop that did my
71's paint. Currently the 72 is getting close to year 2 and is almost completed. In my experience and need for the best, I would buy a part, find a better one and then have twice the money invested ( did it several times during the first build), and there were several redos as well. The last big factor is how far are you willing to go? Are you willing to do as Paul Duncan is doing an not only search out NOS parts but correct date coded NOS parts - he was searching not long ago for the correct date coded mirrors, or are you like myself willing to settle for incorrect date codes, but NOS parts? I know for a fact that Paul passed several super nice pieces simply because he wants perfection and he will have it. Things like that also affect cash out lay and return opprotunitys. Regardless, as scott said it has to be the right color, the right price, right parts and the right behind for the seat to get top dollar no matter what you do. Good luck in what ever you decide.
wow. couldnt have said it better... just nos wiring is close to 1200.00 alone for mine! and very lucky to just find those!
1971 K5 CST Blazer
1965 Chevelle Malibu 283 (sadly sold)
1968 Camaro 327
1968 Honda mini-trail z50a #377
1966 uh 1-D Huey
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