Look into the T.V. Cable hook-up (commonly mistaken for a kick-down cable). Geometry of the bracket is extremely important for proper shift-points, transmission behaviour and reliability.
you can make your own bracket, or order one to adapt your existing trottle bracket to the proper geometry for the 700r4. If you dont do this, you will burn up your tranny. There's adaptor brackets available for all sorts of carbs/throttle bodies that usually run around $60, and are super easy to install. Even possibly taking the throttle bracket off the 4.3L and getting it to fit your engine's carb would work. Also be sure to take the cable mounting bracket (however, it should fit/clip in the same place a T350 kickdown cable does anyway)
Go here for some good info:
Once everything is in place, its simple to set up! You just adjust it so the T.V. cable is fully pulled out/extended at WOT (Wide open throttle).
As well, find out if its a locking torque converter or not... if it is, its simple to wire in (its an electric solenoid) and the schematic can be found lots of places. You could also rob that off the donor truck (if equipped). Done deal.