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Old 06-08-2003, 01:55 PM   #9
68 Suburban
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Originally posted by StingRay
Boy is that ever gonna kill that high MPG you're always working to get LOL. So what's it gonna be good mileage or ridin' in comfort? I like good mileage but when it's a scorcher I say crank up the air
Hehe. Actually uses one of those new A/C compressors that are suppose to be a lot more efficient than the old work horse compressors. When you turn the A/C on, you can't even feel a drain on the engine.

Also, like longhornmail said, the windows down doesnt help with the MPG. And by the way, all my MPG stats were done with the windows down!!! Maybe I will gain some MPG!!!
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.
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