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Old 06-08-2003, 02:03 PM   #10
68 Suburban
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Re: AMA....Arizona Mobile Air

Originally posted by kenele
You ever heard anythng about their aftermarket A/C systems 68 Suburban? I am needing to get the cold air blowing in my burb. Getting air for the just the front from AMA is gonna cost me about $1200...........$1700 for front and back. Do you have just the front unit....and does it cool down the whole vehicle?
I went to them about 2 years ago and they quoted me about the same price. It sneems a little pricy for me. I picked up my unit which was less than a year old for $300. As for hooking it up, it was easy. Probably a little easier for me because mine had an old ARA aftermarket A/C unit, so the holes in the firewall and the core support were all ready there.

As for how it cools? Im sure it would cool a lot better in the back with the secondary It is blowing out the vents at 35 degrees when it was 105 out. (Not bad for 134a)I have only had it hooked up for 1 day, so I can not give you all the answers you are looking for.

I also need to fix some things on my truck. I need a new fan shroud, install the gromets on the firewalls to keep the hot air out, cut of the circulation of the hot water to the heater core. It would also help if I had new seals on the doors.
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.
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