Re: '86 Model Motor goin non-computer
It has the original distributor, and it looks normal but does have a connector coming off of it so it might have some computer controlled spark advance of something. Luckily I have a spare distributor so that's easy enough solved. Wikipedia just noted the carb was computer controlled nothing else, but that connector is suspect.
I should probably be more specific about the carb deal. I bought the engine and tranny after it was already pulled from the car. He says it ran great but who knows right? He was asking $300, so I gave him $200, which is the same as a core charge for a rebuilt engine (Not even including the bonus tranny), so I am thinking with all the accessories and the brackets I am still winning no matter what. My goal is before going out and spending a bunch of cash, I wanted to get the engine started on my run stand to see if it is as good as the guy said, so yeah definitely my plan it to ditch the computer controlled carb, but I wanted to get it running with it just long enough to make sure it doesn't smoke or knock etc. My '86 Jimmy had sensors all over the place and I had hell with it when they went out.
I am taking Friday off and if it gives me fits, I will drop my 2bbl with my adapter plat on it and use that as plan B for the run test.
Thanks for the CCC link too! It was very informative and I saw all the names of all those sensors that I never want to see again. Looks like the replacement distributor will be in order as well!
Last edited by 2bits; 09-16-2010 at 02:52 AM.