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Old 09-16-2010, 11:12 AM   #1
Mark B
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salvage for transmission

I plan to change my inline six powered 1970 C10 from a 3 on-the-tree to an automatic.

Last weekend I bought a donor truck which has a six and an automatic transmission. Oh, and it has power steering which I want also.

I am going to flatbed the donor to my local garage and have them pull

Engine, and accessories
Transmission x-member
Drive shaft
Steering column
Powering steering pump, brackets, and steering box.

Do I need the pedal assembly?

Anything else I need to salvage? After its all yanked the rest is going to scrap - so I have no second chances at it.

Pic is a Hudson Teraplane truck. Isn't it cool? My truck looks like any other!

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