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Old 09-17-2010, 03:08 PM   #9
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Re: epoxy primers, ect...

If your eventual intention is to turn it into a show truck with a catalyzed finish, be very careful about any paint products you may use before moving into the show phase. Any lacquer, unhardened enamel, or different/multiple branded products will generally all have to come back off first. This is especially important on the body work. The chassis may or may not be as much an issue depending on the level of detail desired. Stripping everything off can be difficult to embrace if you have years of improvements and it already looks “nice”. Unfortunately poor substrate can be attacked and dissolved by high end catalyzed paint taking all the new expensive paint with it.

This is just something to consider while you’re planning and setting a budget. Even if the really good stuff isn’t affordable now, at least use the brand and types of primers suitable for your preferred ultimate finish, then you won’t have so much work to do over.

Last edited by markeb01; 09-17-2010 at 03:09 PM.
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