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Old 09-18-2010, 11:12 PM   #9
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Re: Custom door and window cranks?

Originally Posted by Heavy Evy View Post
I did a tread and post search but didn't come up with anything. Anybody using aftermarket, custom or homemade window and door cranks(got pics?) ? I was driving home from work the other day and got to thinking about adding a little "flare" in the interior of my 71'. I saw in my new jegs that lokar is making some nice new pieces. I especially like the black and raw metal pieces they have, very old skool.
I got mine off of E-Bay about 8 Months ago, but wont put them on until I get her painted.
I believe I got a set of Billet Window Cranks/Door Levers for under $75.00.
If your interested, I can try and find out who the seller was.

OK...Nevermind. The Gods must have been smiling down upon me.
The guy I got them from, is "no longer a Regestered User".
In fact about 3 Months later, he went AWOL and started taking peoples money and not shipping the product.
I still may be able to get you the Manftr. or Part Number and you could do a search.

Hello members...
I'd like you to know that I sold,
my 72 GMC (Ratikle),
back in November of 2011.
I don't visit the site much anymore,
but please feel free,
to drop me a private message.

Last edited by wwotr; 09-18-2010 at 11:19 PM.
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