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Old 09-20-2010, 05:39 AM   #3
Already Gone
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Re: Looked at 69 CST today

Originally Posted by rsavage View Post
I shouldn't even bring this up because I didn't take a camera with me. Anyway,
yesterday we are out for a ride on the motorcycle with some other couples. About 20 miles from my house, I spot a 69 short fleet 2wd for sale. Couldn't stop then and inconvenience everyone else, so I go back today. No one home but there is a phone number on the windshield. Doors locked. Faded burgandy original (I think) paint with tan interior that actually looks good. Tach dash, SM 465, No PS, PB, or AC. 307 2bbl. Truck is super solid. Laid underneath it on the cardboard I brought and everything is original. Rockers, cab corners, floor braces, etc. Obviously greasy underneath. Sheet metal straight and trim good. Undercoating on the bottom and on the top of inner fenders and cowl (that will be tough to get off) Odometer shows 59xxx thru the window. Wood bed that will need to have wood replaced. 307 still has the smog plumbing and pump. No extra holes drilled anywhere except for snaps for a now non existent toneau. So now I'm visualizing restoring this baby. It is so bone stock and it deserves a frame off stock restoration. I'm thinking maybe I can get this survivor for 5K as it does need restoration and even though it's a CST it is a low optioned truck. So I call the number. Guy answers and we talk about the truck. It was originally bought in this area but its military owner had it out west its entire life. Anyway, I ask him what he wants for it. He tells me 15K. I said thanks but too strong for me and sadly went home. Hope springs eternal when we see one of these trucks doesn't it?

He must have been watching Barrett-Jackson re-runs when you called !!!
1972 C10 Custom/Deluxe 613 Highlander 406/700R4
1999 White Tahoe LS 4x2 with Z56 Police Package
1992 K1500 GMC Suburban

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" The Sky is not the Limit, Your Mind is." Marilyn Monroe ..

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