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Old 09-21-2010, 06:16 PM   #3
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Location: Maumelle, AR
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Re: New guy looking to buy first square body project, need advice.

Hmm. I paid $1100 for my 80 short square that had a 350 and a turbo 350. It was advertised as sort of running (would run for a couple minutes and die) and had a dent in the passenger door. That was about 8 months ago. a tranny is gonna cost you about $850 unless you do some of the work. I paid $1400 but I went with a 700R4 (tranny went Tango-Uniform withing 50 miles of me getting the engine running right). And the injection may or may not be spendy to fix. But still, I don't think you can really go too wrong spending less that $1000 on one of these trucks running or not.
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