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Old 09-22-2010, 09:39 PM   #1
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Parting out 72 c10 ac cab with 68 front clip

OK guys if anyone close is interested I sold my motor and trans today so I have decided to part this truck out. If you see anything you want let me know and I will get prices. If anyone wants it all to part out now I would take 1500.00


Bad bad news today. I am waiting to see it tomorrow, but there was a wreck today near my friends shop. A car pulling into his shop pulled in front of a car in the oncoming lane. The car hit him and then run into the ditch where my truck was parked. He it in driver side door. My friend said it is in bad shape. Not sure yet what is salvageable, but he said it smashed the driver side front end and cab almost to middle of truck.
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1972 Custom Deluxe LT1 Gen V Swap "Green Lantern"
1984 Silverado

Red Baron-72 c10 Project

Last edited by srea76; 10-08-2010 at 12:19 AM.
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