Re: project: WTF did I get myself into 50 chevy
No problem, most everything ive learned about these trucks has come from this forum and the HAMB. Search through the paint and body forum on here, tons and tons of great info.
I got the bed mocked up tonight. Looks like the axle needs to move back about 5.5 inches on this short bed s10 frame. I pushed the bed up as far as I could and it looks pretty good. I always hated the gap between the bed and cab on these trucks. Ill need to cut a little out of the running board and filler panel but I dont think im going to shorten the bed like I wanted originally. I dont want to mess up the proportions too much. Ill just contour the front of the bed to match the cab a little better.
This works out pretty well. The engine is in the stock location on the S10 frame, the bed can mount to the stock S10 bed supports tho ill need to add about 8 inches to the rear of the frame. It looks like I could even run the original 1950 radiator if I kicked it out a few inches at the bottom like when it was in the camaro clipped frame. I spaced the engine and cab just like it was on the old frame. The engine sits higher now, ill need a different brake booster to be able to take the left valve cover off. Gotta figure out headers next, trying to avoid using those goofy S10 V8 swap headers. If I cant get shorties to work ill run manifolds.
Tomorrow night ill unbolt the axle and take some pictures of it laid out. Gotta decide if I need to notch the frame in the rear, and if ill need dropped spindles up front. I want the front fender on the ground and a little rake in the rear.
Last edited by blitz'd; 09-23-2010 at 11:27 PM.