Originally Posted by Blazer1970
I have been on this board for many years, and I have never seen an explanation of those frame VINs that makes sense.
Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
As for the frame VIN numbers, who can say, maybe production line 3, shift 2. or something?
I'm no expert on '67 -72 (my expertise is '73 on up): are you saying there is no reliable VIN decode for '72?
I can say with certainty that 73 on up is absolutely understood. I'll do some research for you guys if need be.
By the way, usually "Z" decodes to a plant code of Fremont California. Were your trucks built in Fremont?
514012 is, of course, the build sequence number (aka the "serial" number), and is used as the numeric portion of the VIN. Incidently, at my plant, VINs that started with 500000 were GMC, Chevy started with 100000 (not sure that is the case here).