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Old 09-24-2010, 09:58 PM   #22
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Re: 1970 Blazer, Thoughts?

Demon GT, No the wheel covers aeren't very hard to find. A swap meet I went to in Dallas last fall one guy alone had about 10 pairs of them (the harder to find front ones), and earlier in the day I had bought two sets from a different guy of the blazer/4wheel drive wheel covers.

Also after looking at the pictures of the blazer it is no where near as bad as I was expecting. I wouldn't hesitate to work on it. With that bieng said it will be more time and money in the long run than finding a rust free blazer, but it is no where near unrepairable in my opinion.
I don't always drive trucks; but when I do I prefer Chevy's. Stay driving my friends.

'72 blazer 2wd build

67-72 Factory Big Block Registry
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