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Old 09-25-2010, 04:21 AM   #4
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Re: disc brakes for C-30

Originally Posted by billsc30 View Post
i have a 68 C-30 i was wondering what i can use to convert this truck to disc brakes at all four wheels. the front is stock drum and the rear end is out of a 76 chev motor home. I was told it was called a"wide trac" what ever that is. anyone have any suggestions on where to find these parts? i am also looking for a 68 horn button. thanks,
All C30 front suspension parts are the same as C20, except they added a hub extension for the positive offset on the dually front wheel, the hub itself is the same part though.

This info comes in handy when looking for front end parts because they often are listed as C20 only when in reality C30 stuff is the same in these to answer your question about the disc brakes. there is no one making a direct bolt on '63-'70, C20-30 disc brake spindle, only C10.

Here's what u need: purchase a spindle from a 73-87 C20 or 30 drop or stock height then replace your ball joints with the same 73-87 (they have a larger tapered stud than the old ones.) These will bolt directly to your '63-'70 control arms...Your almost done; the tie rod end on the newer spindle is also larger, so you will need to get an adapter for the end to work.

Not sure about the rear but fabbing up caliper brackets isn't really difficult if you can't find some ....btw wide trac refers to the two different width dually rear ends early chevy's used
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