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Old 09-26-2010, 12:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Delta ,British Columbia
Posts: 213
newbie chevy 350 can you identify part.

haven"t torn down a chevy engine in 20 years.i have been marking everything keeping the bolts together and even been taking pictures.stuck on two things can you help me identify this part came out after i rolled the block over.i think it has to do with the oil pump.and there still seems to be a shiny piece sticking its head out by the end of the camshaft.i will attach a pic of the piece in question.other question how does the dam cam shaft come out.will it just pull out by the sprocket.i see three bolts at the back of it.square don"t have the right tool.after this clean it up and send to the machine shop.
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