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Old 09-30-2010, 10:47 AM   #65
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Re: Home School.. who does it?

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
Since a few have asked. We decided to homeschool Melinda this year. Daniel wanted to finish out his last year in elementary school. And Cici is only in 2nd grade and still establishing friends.

Meli is doing amazing.. she struggled for years in school, was retained once, and barely keeping on grade. Her teachers tried hard to get her the help she needed, and I do appreciate that. However.. since she has been home, the one on one has helped. She is maintaining a 93 avg in her combined studies. We started her with a reading tutor on Aug 2. Our friend is a elementary level reading coach and Mel spends 2 hours a day doing extended studies with her as a tutor. We started our school on Aug 25, to stay with the public school calender. She loves her lessons.. except social studies (prehistoric error stuff) and is ahead, and tracked to complete fourth grade in Dec or Jan..

We went with time for learning's program, and supplement the lessons with worksheets and activities. The reasons we chose this program are you can go up and down a grade in lessons at anytime. For instance, she had to start long division this week. Issue is in public school they touched on division, and she was not proficient in multiplication. I was able to pull up the 3rd grade lessons and teach her the basics and move on to the long division in a matter of 2 days. Also this program uses a lot of video goofiness.. with her processing issues, the videos pull her in and she retains what is said.. when reading a passage her mind is elsewhere. We do back that up with reading and language arts in tutoring, as said above.

In all I am so excited for her, and how much of a change she has made in a short time. Daniel will be home with us next year as well. Cici I am not sure of yet. It will depend on how this year goes for her in school. All 3 are maintaining A avgs, so I can not complain at all about that..
Good report Liz,, the kids only learn as well as thier teacher teaches them at home and with them grades ,,i'd say they have a pretty good teacher.. great news
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