Well I've done some major brake work. Truck is a 69 C/10
1/2 ton P/U. Previous owner put a disc brake master cylinder and proportioning valve on the truck. It has DRUMS all around. Go
figure. He also routed the rear brake line across the top of the firewall. Again...go figure. Ok...so I corrected all that. Re-routed
the rear brake line, also replaced on of the front brake lines.
Replaced the mastyer cylinder with the correct type. Then I went
looking for a "proportioning valve" for this truck. A fella in
Crossville,Tn had the right proportioning valve, so now I've
got that installed. OK...so after doing this, there is plenty of
air in the lines. (The new master cylinder was bench bled).
So what is you favorite method of bleeding the brakes?
I have in the past just attached a rubber hose to the bleed valve and put the other end in a cup with enough fluid in the cup to cover the end of the hose. However, there seems to be a lot of air in the lines. I've heard about a device that is mounted
to the master cylinder and also attaches to all 4 bleed ports
and it just pumps fluid through the lines until all the air is gone.
Well, that's probably expensive.
At any rate what method do you guys use to bleed brakes?
Keep in mind I have to do this by myself.
Jim in Mt Juliet