Thread: Door questions
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Old 10-01-2010, 01:08 PM   #4
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Re: Door questions

The doors 1973 - 1980 had different molding options. So there will bee a few extra holes on the out side ends and or studs the center of the molding where stuck on to a two way tape clip that snapped in to the molding. So if you have 1973-76 you have to grind studs off and fill in the extra holes. then you have to use the 1973-76 inner door handles & panels to be easier to be a bolt on.
1978 -1980 door with out any out side trim would be easier use on the 1981-1987 and modify .

The easy would be 1981-1987 and old style body 1991 Blazer/Jimmy, Surburban door to use on the 1977-1987 they have all the holes for the inner door handle door panel from the third Gen but if you have the older trim option you will have to add stud's and a few holes for the trim if you want it on still. So modding will have to done at that point.
The 1981- 1987 doors had option molding, all held on buy two way tape not like the first gen doors.
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