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Old 10-04-2010, 05:37 PM   #21
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Re: Spray foam inside cab roof?

I work for Dow chemical and we make a lot of the products used by Ford,GM and Chrysler.(I work two full time Jobs) Also the foreign ones too. Betafill and BetaFoam are trade names of Dow products that they use. We have listings on which vehicles they use it one. Some vehicles they will use another brand but most our Dow. The problem is they will not sell retail unless you buy in tank cars. You will have to go to a wholesaler to purchase. It has anti-corrosion additives and even can be painted over and does not absorb moisture.

here is a link to some descriptions

A lot of the companies will package the products under their own name but these are what the products are. They all buy them under their own product code the resell with their name on it. The stuff works

Last edited by mbgmike; 10-04-2010 at 05:43 PM.
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